Song Share: 手紙(てがみ)~拝啓(はいけい) 十五(じゅうご)の君(きみ)へ~

This time I would like to share a Japanese song that I've been like for years. Its name is 手紙(てがみ)~拝啓(はいけい) 十五(じゅうご)の君(きみ)へ~, literally meaning "A Letter ~To My 15 Year Old Self~". Here is a video of the music:

I first heard this song about 3 years ago, when I hadn't learned any Japanese yet. However, I've been like this song pretty much, not only for its beautiful melody, but also for its positive lyrics. I experienced some hard time during my senior year of undergrad, and encouraging music (like this one) was quite helpful. I think this one now is one of my favorite Japanese songs.

This video only has Japanese subtitles, so I found a website with English translations in case you need. Also, I find it quite interesting to infer Kanji's pronunciations according to Japanese lyrics during listening. Frankly speaking, this song goes a little fast, but if getting more familiar, it should be easier. This is an example of a few beginning lines:

拝啓(はいけい) この手紙(てがみ)読(よ)んでいるあなたは どこで何(なに)をしているのだろう

十五(じゅうご)の僕(ぼく)には誰(だれ)にも話(はな)せない 悩(なや)みの種(たね)があるのです

I managed to add these Hiragana comments with listening to them for only twice. This is quite interesting, as we are now all getting more and more familiar with Hiragana. If you have your favorite Japanese songs, I strongly recommend you to try it by yourselves. It may be hard at the beginning, but it turns out to be funny!


  1. Great song, ありがとう for sharing!

  2. From what I've heard, I really like listening to Japanese music. The concept behind this song seems very interesting as well. I will have to give it a listen sometime.


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