
Showing posts from April, 2023

Song Share: 布団(ふとん)の中(なか)から出(で)たくない

This time I am going to share with you a Japanese song, 布団(ふとん)の中(な)から出(で)たくない. Note: the video has integrated Japanese lines and Chinese subtitles, but I didn't find English subtitles. However, the video itself tells a lot. ;) A very interesting song, isn't it? The little penguin is pretty cute as well. By the way, there are actually a lot of words in the video that have been learnt in class. It helps a lot for me to sort of review them.

Writing: ともだちとりょこうしました

私(わたし)は旅行(りょこう)が好(す)きです。大学(だいがく)二年生(にねんせい)の時(とき)、高校(こうこう)の友達(ともだち)と香港(ホンコン)に行(い)きました。 ディズニーランド・リゾートや香港大学やビクトリア・ハーバーに行きました。ディズニーランドは大(おお)きくありませんでしたが、とても面白(おもしろ)かったです。 夜(よる)に香港島(とう)の山(やま)でビクトリア・ハーバーを観光(かんこう)しました。凄(すご)く綺麗(きれい)でした。 それから、 食(た)べ物(もの)をたくさん買(か)いました。香港の食べ物は美味(おい)しかったです。

Song Share: Plastic Love (プラスティック・ラヴ)

This time I am going to share with you a Japanese song, "Plastic Love". Its genre is city pop, which was popular in Japan during the 1970s and 1980s, and became much less popular after the Japanese asset price bubble (バブル景気(けいき)) brought an end to surreal dreams of wealth and development. There is no position for me to judge history right now, but this distinct genre now does show us a fraction of that old time, when overheating economy brought people too much relaxation and happiness. Personally speaking, I actually don't like ideas hidden behind this song (and many others from this genre): as the lyrics goes, "I'm just playing games. I know that's plastic love". Well, maybe it's because I have my girlfriend now, so I have been much more serious while speaking of love. But anyway, the songs are still pretty good. Even after decades, melodies still sound great, which is also why I would like to share this one "Plastic Love", which I especia...


This time, I would like to share with you a series of videos: "THE JAPANESE TRADITION 〜日本の形〜". This series use a funny way to introduce Japanese traditions. Here is one of its videos, and it's talking about "shazai" (謝(しゃ)罪(ざい); apologies) in an exaggerated way. In 2007, it was the first Japanese film in 31 years to be submitted to the Berlin International Film Festival Short Film Competition [1][2]. This one about "utage" (宴(うたげ); feast) is also quite interesting, but I didn't find a version with English subtitles on Youtube. I'll post the original video here: Other videos are interesting as well. If you like them, please look for more! Reference [1] Nihon no katachi: Shazai. [2] THE JAPANESE TRADITION 〜日本の形〜 - Wikipedia.

Song Share: Yoru no Uta 夜(よる)の歌(うた)

This time I'm going to share a simple but nice song, Yoru no Uta 夜(よる)の歌(うた). It came from an old animation series Cardcaptor Sakura カードキャプターさくら. (Well, not that old, but at least it's a little older than me...) Lyrics are quite simple as well: 夜(よる)の空(そら)に瞬(またた)く 遠(とお)い金(きん)の星(ほし) ゆうべ夢(ゆめ)で見(み)あげた 小鳥(ことり)と同(おな)じ色(いろ) 眠(ねむ)れぬ夜(よる)に ひとりうたう歌(うた) 渡(わた)る風(かぜ)と一緒(いっしょ)に 想(おも)いをのせてとぶよ 夜(よる)の空(そら)に輝(かがや)く 遠(とう)い銀(ぎん)の月(つき) ゆうべ夢(ゆめ)で咲(さ)いてた 野(の)ばらと同(おな)じ色(いろ) 優(やさ)しい夜(よる)に ひとりうたう歌(うた) 明日(あす)は君(きみ)とうたおう 夢(ゆめ)の翼(つばさ)にのって 優(やさ)しい夜(よる)に ひとりうたう歌(うた) 明日(あす)は君(きみ)とうたおう 夢(ゆめ)の翼(つばさ)にのって I also found it interesting to use the song to practice listening. Actually, the Hiragana of Kanji above are all marked by myself, as it goes relatively slow and clear (I managed to finish it with about 5 times of listening though). It was the first animation series I've ever seen. It always reminds me of the past time when I was in the elementary school. Every day at noon, I would rush to home, stick to T...