

Taiyuan on the Map

たいげんのれきしはふるいですが、まちはとてもあたらしいです。The city develops to both sides of the Fen River, where a park goes several kilometers along the river. こうえんはすごくきれいです。こどものとき、よくこうえんでともだちといっしょにあそびましだ。

Sunset views by the Fen River

なつのとき、まちはちょっとあついです。それから、ふゆのとき、まちはちょっとさむいです。But basically the weather is still pretty good and comforting all over the year.

Night time. I used to take some exercise in the summer evening. The park at this time is cool and has a good view, yet flying bugs near the river are also quite a lot.

Along more than 2,500 years of history, Taiyuan has a lot of cultural heritages as well. For example, the Jinci Temple and the Twin Towers inside the Yongzuo Temple are now Taiyuan's representative sites. By the way, the famous Tang Dynasty originated from Taiyuan, too.

Ancient Taiyuan. This site originated from 1375 (Ming Dynasty). Older ones were destroyed in the long history due to wars and floods of the Fen River.

If you have a chance, welcome to my hometown!


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